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Nebra Hotspot Infrastructure Migration

Nebra Hotspot Infrastructure Migration

Week commencing the 6th of March 2023, Nebra will complete a back-end infrastructure migration between two systems. This migration will require ALL Nebra hotspots and third-party hotspots with Nebra firmware flashed, to be powered ON and connected to the internet for this migration to be completed.

The migration process will take the full week to be completed so please do not reach out to us over the course of the week if your hotspot hasn’t been updated, before the 17th March.

If your hotspot is already on then you do not need to do anything. If your device is offline or inactive you will need to power it on and connect it to the internet to receive an update.

Failure to power on your device during this time may require your device to be re-flashed in the future, and users will have to complete this process themselves.

During the migration process, users will not need to do anything with their device other than leave it powered on for the duration. The migration will also not interrupt any other activity on the device, and PoC will still occur.

What happens if I cannot leave my hotspot powered on?

Don’t worry, your hotspot can still be a part of the migration process, but you may need to update your hotspot manually by flashing new firmware to the device

How do I know if my hotspot has been updated?

If you login to your local diagansotic page on your device you should be able to see the Firmware version 2023.02.07.0-19 or later

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