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Nebra ROCK Pi Miner - 25th January Production Update

Nebra ROCK Pi Miner - 25th January Production Update

Hey folks, 

Here’s our latest updates on the Nebra Helium Miners.

ROCK Pi Production Update

Last week we mentioned that we’d planned to manufacture 10,000 of the new Nebra ROCK Pi Indoor miners. Overall, we managed to complete just over 8,000 units. It was very tight leading up to Chinese New Year however, our manufacturer is prepped and ready to hit the ground running as soon as they are back from their holiday.

We posted a few videos and pictures on our Twitter feed last week showing the production process.

When will these 8,000 units ship?

Right now we're waiting on the CE/FCC documentation (we've passed!) which we’ve been informed should be with us tomorrow. Once we have these certifications they will be able to ship. Unfortunately due to the Chinese New Year period (25th of January to the 9th of February) we’re unable to ship until our factory returns on the 9th of February.

When will batch 4 & 5 ship?

Obviously, this is the question everyone wants to know and we've been working hard to finalise the production details for the outstanding batches. The 8,000 units are part of batch 4 and based on our production schedule, we’re aiming to clear the entire backlog of orders in spring 2022. We have all of the key components we need in order to fulfil the orders and now we're focussing heavily on making sure our manufacturing stays on track throughout February and March. We'll keep you posted with weekly updates detailing how production is progressing. 

Nebra Dashboard Software 

In the past few weeks we had reports of miners filling up their storage and causing inconsistent behaviour. Our development team has been working on solving this issue for the past few days and an update was rolled out today that should solve this issue. 

In terms of new features, our most recent feature was the ability transfer your hotspot to someone else within the Nebra dashboard we added last week. You can read more about that here

Onboarded Nebra Miners

We're now just over 30,000 miners onboarded onto the blockchain (we've shipped ~50,000+ units) and based on our production plans we're aiming to significantly increase these numbers. We plan to ship the 8,000 units out after Chinese New Year meaning we'll reach roughly 58,000 units shipped. 

As stated last week where will likely be a delay with these 8,000 units being onboard (due to shipping times to customers, when customers decide to set up their miner, etc) so we don't expect for the 30,000 figure below to jump immediately to ~38,000 units. 

Update on retesting the 2,000 Indoor Raspberry Pi miners

Last week we mentioned that our development team & factory were retesting ~2,000 Indoor Miners (the Raspberry Pi Compute Module version). We weren't able to arrive at a solution with our factory so a sample of these units have been sent to our developers for analysis. (Note: These 2,000 units do not make up any of the 8,000 units we produced this week)


We’re continuing to grow & expand our team. If you see a role that suits you, please apply on one of the links above :) If you can't see your ideal position, feel free to reach out. We can explore and see if you have a role within our growing team

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